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7,968,946 New Yorkers have joined the NYS Donate Life Registry

Make a Year End Financial Contribution

Please support our year end giving campaign to help bring hope to the 7,917 New Yorkers awaiting a lifesaving organ transplant and the thousands of others in need of healing corneal and tissue transplants. Your financial contribution goes directly towards our mission to increase organ, eye and tissue donation in New York State.

You can make a difference today.

Whether your contribution is made in honor of a loved one currently waiting for a transplant, in memory of someone who lost his or her life in the battle against time, or just because you recognize the urgency, it will bring us one step closer to meeting our goal of providing a transplant for every New Yorker in need.

Make a Financial Contribution

To make your tax-deductible financial contribution, simply complete the form below. If you prefer to make your contribution by check, please make the check out to Donate Life New York State and mail to:

Donate Life NYS
185 Jordan Road, Suite 8
Troy, NY 12180