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8,035,308 New Yorkers have joined the NYS Donate Life Registry

♬ Let Life Sing! ♬ April is Donate Life Month.

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Organ and tissue donors save lives. Join the NYS Donate Life Registry.

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Help save lives by making a tax-deductible financial contribution.


"I am so very grateful to my heart donor." - Kelly Krzyzak

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April is National Donate Life Month!

Enroll in the NYS Donate Life Registry online in just minutes

Make a financial contribution

Donate Life New York State celebrates a milestone in organ and tissue donation

April 11th: Get your Blue & Green on for a chance to win!

Liver recipient Zachary Hurst’s resilience inspires.

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Who's joining the NYS Donate Life Registry? See enrollments by county.

POLITICO: Why organ donor advocates keep pushing

Buffalo community honors life-saving legacy of local organ donor

“An angel saved my dad’s life...” - Miguel Roxas

Donate Life NYS holds press conference and Legislative Education Event

Governor Hochul and Tracy Morgan call on NYers to join Donate Life Registry

Stories of Hope: New Yorkers whose lives have been touched by donation.

AJ Smullen

Assemblymembers personally touched by donation urge Registry enrollment

“I want to stick around for my kids, my family, and my husband.” - Megan Dolan

Long Island Community Spotlights Life-Saving Organ Transplant

Has your life been touched by donation? We want to hear your story

New videos in 'Be The One' series inspire New Yorkers to Donate Life

Donate Life NYS Hosts 2nd Annual Appreciation Luncheon

NYS DMV Takes Steps to Increase Organ Donor Enrollment

Spark Good Program

Attention Walmart shoppers!

Inspirational videos inspire New Yorkers to "Be the One."

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Get the facts about organ and tissue donation

Resources for Hospital Partners

Order Gift of Life Medals of Honor

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