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8,029,418 New Yorkers have joined the NYS Donate Life Registry

Orleans County Celebrates Donate Life Month

ALBION – Orleans County legislator Skip Draper, center, presents a proclamation for “April as Donate Life Month” to Pam Boyer (left), deputy county clerk at DMV, and Nadine Hanlon, the county clerk.

The County Legislature urges residents to join the New York State Donate Life Registry.

“In New York State there are approximately 8,100 people waiting for an organ transplant which represents the third highest need in the nation; and there are an estimated 400 New Yorkers that die every year while waiting for an organ transplant,” county legislators stated in the proclamation. “A single individual’s donation of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas and small intestine can save up to eight lives; donation of tissue can save and heal the lives of up to 75 others.”