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8,041,070 New Yorkers have joined the NYS Donate Life Registry

Resources for High School Educators

Sample Strategies for Incorporating Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donation into the High School Health Curriculum

Legislation passed in 2016 and implemented February 14, 2017 changed the age of eligibility to enroll in the New York State (NYS) Donate Life Registry to include those sixteen and seventeen years of age. Using funds appropriated by NYS made available by contract with the NYS Department of Health, Donate Life NYS partnered with the State Education Department and other important stakeholders to create and make available resources school districts to educate high school students on the topic of organ, eye, and tissue donation.

The tool kit below is intended to provide information about the basics of donation, giving an overview that can assist in making an informed decision and provide accurate information about enrolling in the NYS Donate Life Registry. It can assist educators to teach donation thoroughly and accurately, whether as a stand-alone lesson, a complete unit, or in conjunction with a Donate Life presentation (free and available by request from your local Donate Life Partners).

General Information on Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation

7,917 New Yorkers are currently listed on the national organ transplant waitlist, as the need for organ donations far exceeds the supply. One person who donates organs (heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas, and intestines) can save up to eight lives. A tissue donor can heal 75 or more lives by restoring eyesight, helping fight infections in burn patients and preventing the loss of mobility and disability. Individuals age 16 years and older may enroll in the NYS Donate Life Registry.

Resources for Educators 

Toolkit (.pdf): Sample Strategies for Incorporating Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donation into the High School Health Curriculum (10/17)

PowerPoint Presentation (.pdf): Organ, Eye, and Tissue Donation in New York (10/17)

Fact Sheet (.pdf): Quick Facts on Organ Donation (revised 3/20)

Contact Your Local Partners Map (.pdf): Map of Regional Contacts for Volunteers and Speakers (revised 3/20)