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8,010,145 New Yorkers have joined the NYS Donate Life Registry

New York State SFY 2023-24 Budget Request

Donate Life NYS relies on the Legislature’s investment to support our vital
mission to increase organ, eye, and tissue donation.

We ask the Legislature to remain committed to improving New York State’s donation rates by providing $1,000,000 in funding for Donate Life New York State in
your one-house budget proposal and ensuring its inclusion in the enacted
SFY 2023-24 budget.

Thank you for your consideration of this funding request. Your leadership and support for these funds gives hope to the 7,917 patients and families across New York waiting for a lifesaving organ transplant and the thousands of others in need of healing tissue and cornea transplants. 

Donate Life NYS SFY 2023-24 Budget Request


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