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7,958,093 New Yorkers have joined the NYS Donate Life Registry

Donate Life NYS Welcomes New Board Members

Donate Life New York State (NYS) is pleased to announce four new appointments to its Board of Directors: James Lytle, Senior Counsel at Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP; Ellen Melchionni, President of New York Insurance Association; Naheima Sears, Marketing Consultant; and Bruce Stroever, former President and CEO of MTF Biologics. Welcome all, and thank you for supporting our lifesaving mission. These individuals bring decades of leadership experience and expertise in their fields, and will be tremendous assets to Donate Life NYS we further our mission to increase organ, eye, and tissue donation in New York State through collaborative advocacy, education, promotion, and research. For more information on Donate Life NYS’ Board of Directors, visit our leadership page.

James Lytle
Ellen Melchionni
Naheima Sears
Bruce Stroever